August 25, 2009

Fairfield Indians vs Finneytown

Nationalsång och storebror och lillebror i samma lag.

Fairfield (junior varsity A) 3 - Finneytown 1

Juniorerna vann sin match. Joel fick äran att göra ett av målen. Efter JvA matchen spelade han Varsity matchen. han somnade som en stock när han kom hen halv tio.

Fairfield Indians (varsity) 0 - Finneytown 1

Lite otur och så stänkte Finneytown in ett mål. Marc hade också lite otur och fick 20 minuter in i matchen ett rött och åkte ut. Han får inte spela nästa match. Det röda var kanske lite att ta i....det hade räckt med dubbelt gult så att han bara åkt ut Finnetown matchen, men sånt är livet.

August 13, 2009

yappi sports on GMC 09

Yappi sports

posted by: Zidane517
Here is how my GMC final standings go, Mason, Fairfield, Lakota West are the top three in that order. Mason should easily win it with their talented junior class as they most likely will add two players that will make an immediate impact and could have started at most GMC school (Newport and Steinberg). Fairfield will reload another year and Solorio should be a scoring machine. As for Lakota West, they do have hags, but who else do they have? Hagglaund will most likely end up getting frustrated and will damage his chances at POY as he will try to dribble and create too much. That's why my POY choice will end up being Robbie Winkler of Mason High School.
posted by: msnsoccer05
Ha now I'd say we might be getting a little ahead of a mason fan I'd like nothing more than for winkler to be POY and for Mason to win the GMC...but I think your overlooking some serious talent...Fairfield returns a lot of players not to mention Marc Hansson who in my opinion will be POY

FHS tryouts is over

klickbara bilder.....

Christian,Marc,Colby,Matt,Kyle.......the only pic where they are somewhat serious

pictures taken
not just soccermoves

Ryan, Matt,Joel
early practice


Ryan,Christian,Marc,Colby,Matt,Kyle and Joel.....being -as the always are- goofs
.............and teams are selected. Marc and Joel will be playing on the same team, it is going to be fun watch them on the field together. Went down to the stadium on picture day to get some pics for the family album and ended up with pics of goofballs.......lovely goofballs, But don't let the "goofiness" fool you they are no goofs on the field.
Provspelet är över och Fairfield Highs lag är uttagna. Marc och Joel kommer att spela i samma lag och det ska bli spännande att se dem på plan tillsammans. Jag stack ner till arenan på fotograferingsdagen för att få några bilder till familjealbumet men när man har med Marc och hans kompisar att göra så blir det mycket trams.....dom är underbara. Man ska dock inte låta sig luras av tramset för det tramsas minsann inte på plan, där är det allvar.

August 11, 2009

Fab 5 poll

Fab 5 poll in the Hacks

Cincinnati Big-School Division -PRESEASON RANKINGS

St. Xavier– The Bombers always seem to be in the thick of things when it comes to soccer and this year’s squad will return two of their top three scorers from last year in Christopher Nam and Michael Archbold. Gone is the senior leadership in the goal so the Bombers could be tested early.
Turpin – Turpin like St. X has developed a strong soccer program and are able to reload every year instead of having to rebuild. The Spartans Joe Hovde will have to take on the role this year of leading scorer but with Michael Petitgout feeding him the ball it shouldn’t be an issue.
Loveland– Greg McMullen and Tyler Beachy return to pick up where they left off and that is burying the ball in the back of the net. The Tigers will also enjoy an influx of freshmen talent that many are expecting great things from by the time they are juniors but freshmen have shown over and over the ability to step up. Should this young crop mature early the Tigers could make a great run come tournament time.
Mason – Caleb Eastman and Robert Winkler return along with a cast of talented players from last year’s squad that many had slated as the state champions but St. X ruined that dream. The Comets will challenged for the GMC title this year along with Fairfield and Lakota West.
Fairfield – The Indians round out the top 5 but several other teams such as Sycamore, Lakota West, and Milford could have been here as well. Fairfield gets the nod due to the return of Kyle Troutman and Marc Hansson who will have a solid supporting cast. Don’t be surprised to see a three-way tie atop the GMC between the Indians, Firebirds and Comets.


......deklareras Fairfields varsity lag. Det är andra dagen för tryouts, imorgon deklareras junior varsity A och junior varsity B. I eftermiddag vet vi var de hamnar.